SubIPB3.0 - An IPB3.0 port for phpBBLee Moderator Offline 04.06.09 09:32:16 am Original Skin. This is a SubZero based Style for phpBB 3.0 that is meant to look like the Release Candidate IP.Board 3.0's default style. Preview: Demo: Download Links: Installation Extract the Contents of the File Copy them into phpbb/styles/ directory Go into the ACP on your forum Install and Activate "My Theme" (Sorry for the bad naming convention, the next release will have this corrected.)
Re: SubIPB3.0 - An IPB3.0 port for phpBBspartan029 User Offline 04.06.09 01:43:48 pm What exactilly does it do now?
Re: SubIPB3.0 - An IPB3.0 port for phpBBLee Moderator Offline 04.06.09 09:32:56 pm It's a custom theme emulating IP.Board 3.0 RC's Default style on phpBB (A free forum software) without the flashy javascript yet. Updated: [Release] SubIPB Cloudy (1.0.0) Name: SubIPB Cloudy Author: Lee Gao Version: 1.0.0 [phpBB3 v3.0.5] This is basically an alternative skin to the SubIPB 3.0 skin Preview: Demo: Download Links: Installation * Extract the Contents of the File * Copy them into phpbb/styles/ directory * Go into the ACP on your forum * Install and Activate "SubIP.Board Cloudy"
Re: SubIPB3.0 - An IPB3.0 port for phpBBspartan029 User Offline 04.06.09 11:22:01 pm Oh! Ok i'll try it!