I am going to buy a scary game but which one is better?
edited 1×, last 01.06.09 08:33:47 am
Admin/mod comment
moved. the projects forum is about Unreal Software projects only. not about your own projects. /DC Dead Space should be quite good, but it's not on the list
edit: this is in the wrong forum (Projects is only for unrealsoftware projects)
thank you for adding DeadSpace to the list edited 1×, last 01.06.09 08:36:59 am
I vote for F.E.A.R, because.. 1st time I play to much shocked
if you play AVP2 with marine..........scary i think Penumbra is missing.... That game is quite scary =/ And where is Left 4 Dead?!
The first time I came across the Witch, I was scared as shit. Probably didn't help much that it was two in the morning but... X-RDG COMMUNITY BANNED
Alien vs. Predator...
1 vote for Alien versus Predator.
wrong *section*, sorry 
i already got left 4 dead
k i just bought my third one called Dead Space
now i m looking for tha second one
plz becuz i wanna scare the freak out of my friends, in ma party There is a freeware game called 7 Days a Sceptic. Really weird and scary. Also- 5 days a stranger bought AVP2 back the first one? if u have steam, and have half life 1, then get afraid of monsters.
VERY scary, makes u jump every few seconds
and its free
You can go search on google for freeware horrer games
make sure that you check out 7days a skeptic,6days a sacrifice and 5 days a stranger
These aren`t that much scary but they could scare shit out of a 10 year old child (or not)
you should buy alone in dark its very interesting L4D isn't scary, it would be scary when it would be darker and the witches don't cry and they would attack you, and scarier textures.
And no shocking moments. Zune5 COMMUNITY BANNED
Personally, I don't like any of the games... dead space , the forgiening death zombies will scare you even if you were expecting it (it still scare me) Silent hill home coming
Resident evil 4
Dead space
TES(not scary but its creepy when monsters come out of nowhere)