[15:04:58] LUA ERROR (ai_hear_chat): attempt to call a nil value
das ist ein Fehler aus dem botscript.Hast du irgendetwas an den Bots verändert ,oder hast du dein folgendes script darein geschrieben?
[15:04:58] LUA ERROR (ai_hear_chat): attempt to call a nil value
[ENTITY] - entity(x,y,"value")		Return a value of an entity at the tile position (X|Y): 				exists, typename, type, name, trigger, state, int0, int1, 				int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, str0, str1, 				str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, aistate 				(int0-9 and str0-9 are used for entity settings and are 				different for each entity type) - randomentity(type,[ai],[i0])	Returns the tile x and y position (2 values!) of a random entity 				of a certain type or -100,-100 if no entity has been found. 				ai=only find entities with this AI state (-1 to ignore) 				i0=only find entities with this int0 value (-1 to ignore) - inentityzone(x,y,type)	Checks if the tile position (x|y) is in the area of a certain 				entity type and returns true or false
function(x,y,Info.Nobuildings) if Info.Nobuildings then --CODE end end
elseif sel == 6 then rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !bring <player>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !goto <player>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !rp_arrest <player>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !rp_free <player>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !rp_give_money <player> <money>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !rp_admin <password>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !parse <command>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !createt <player>") rp_msg2(id,"000255000","[RP] Command: !createct <player>") elseif sel == 7 then menu(id,[[CT Menu Props,]]..udp_scar(id)
function initArray(size,value) local t = {} for i=1, size do t[i] = value end return t end hasgasmask = initArray(32,0) gasmaskid = initArray(32,0) addhook("startround","_startround") function _startround() for i=1,32 do --Loop thru all possible ids if player(i,"exists") and player(i,"team") < 3 and player(i,"team") > 0 then --If the player exists and is T or CT if hasgasmask[i] == 1 then --And has bought a gasmask, give him the image of it. local id1=image("gfx/todesengel/gasmask.bmp",1,1,200+i) imagescale(id1,1,1) imageblend(id1,0) imagealpha(id1,1.0) gasmaskid[i] = id1 end else --Else, clear the array just in case hasgasmask[i] = 0 gasmaskid[i] = 0 end end end addhook("spawn","gfx") function gfx(id) parse("hudtxt 0 \"©255255255Press F2 to buy or drop a gasmask\" 4 102 0") end addhook("die","_die") function _die(id) --Remove gasmask from this player if hasgasmask[id]==1 then 		freeimage(gasmaskid[id]) 		gasmaskid [id] = 0 		dropmask(id) 	end end addhook("serveraction","fmenus") function fmenus(id,btn) if (btn==1) then menu(id,"Equip,Gasmask| 1000$, Drop the Gasmask") end end addhook("hit","gashit") function gashit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) if weapon==72 then -- wenn es die waffe mit der id 72 ist // No gas dmg if hasgasmask[id] == 1 then return 1 end end end addhook ("menu","meno") function meno(id,menoo,sel) if menoo=="Equip" then if sel==1 then if(player(id,"money")>=1000) then if hasgasmask[id] == 0 then parse("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money")-1000)) local id1=image("gfx/todesengel/gasmask.bmp",1,1,200+id) imagescale(id1,1,1) imageblend(id1,0) imagealpha(id1,1.0) hasgasmask[id] = 1 gasmaskid[id] = id1 else msg2(id,"©255000000You already have a gasmask!@C") end else msg2(id,"©255000000You dont have enough money for a gasmask!@C") end elseif sel==2 then if hasgasmask[id]==1 then freeimage(gasmaskid[id]) gasmaskid [id] = 0 dropmask(id) msg2(id,"©255000000You dropped your gasmask!@C") else msg2(id,"©255000000You dont have a gasmask!@C") end end end end maskpath="gfx/todesengel/gasmask.bmp" maskitms={} maskimg={} addhook("movetile","pickup_itms") function pickup_itms(id,tx,ty) for i=1,#maskitms do if maskitms[i]~=nil and maskitms[i].exists and hasgasmask[id]==0 and maskitms[i].x==tx and maskitms[i].y==ty then maskitms[i].exists=false refreshgfx(i,"gasmask",0) hasgasmask[id]=1 parse("sv_sound2 "..id.." items/pickup.wav") local id1=image("gfx/todesengel/gasmask.bmp",1,1,200+id) imagescale(id1,1,1) imageblend(id1,0) imagealpha(id1,1.0) gasmaskid[id] = id1 end end end function refreshgfx(id,type,mode) 	local rndrot 	if type=="gasmask" then 		if mode==1 then 			if maskimg[id]==nil then 				maskimg[id]=image(maskpath,0,0,0) 			end 			rndrot=math.random(0,359) 			imagepos(maskimg[id],maskitms[id].x*32+16,maskitms[id].y*32+16,rndrot) 			imagescale(maskimg[id],0.9,0.9) 		elseif mode==0 then 			if maskimg[id]~=nil then 				freeimage(maskimg[id]) 				maskimg[id]=nil 			end 		else 		print("incorrect MODE setting!") 		end 	end end function dropmask(id) 	local tilex,tiley 	tilex=player(id,"tilex") 	tiley=player(id,"tiley") 	hasgasmask[id] = 0 	for i=1,#maskitms+1 do 		if maskitms[i]==nil or not maskitms[i].exists then 			maskitms[i]={} 			maskitms[i].exists=1 			maskitms[i].x=tilex 			maskitms[i].y=tiley 			refreshgfx(i,"gasmask",1) 			break 		end 	end end
[ENTITY] - entity(x,y,"value")		Return a value of an entity at the tile position (X|Y): 				exists, typename, type, name, trigger, state, int0, int1, 				int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, str0, str1, 				str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, aistate 				(int0-9 and str0-9 are used for entity settings and are 				different for each entity type) - randomentity(type,[ai],[i0])	Returns the tile x and y position (2 values!) of a random entity 				of a certain type or -100,-100 if no entity has been found. 				ai=only find entities with this AI state (-1 to ignore) 				i0=only find entities with this int0 value (-1 to ignore) - inentityzone(x,y,type)	Checks if the tile position (x|y) is in the area of a certain 				entity type and returns true or false
function(x,y,Info.Nobuildings) if Info.Nobuildings then --CODE end end
function maap() local id = getplayers(); if id~=nil then msg (string.format("%s stands in nobuildzone",id)); end end function getplayers() for id=1,32 do if player(id,"exists") and then for y=0,map("sizey") do for x=0,map("sizex") do if entity(x,y,"exists") and entity(x,y"typename")=="Info_Nobuild" and player(id,"tilex")==x and player(id,"tiley")==y then return id; end end end end end