
Need help with Half Life
8 replies

2.) install the game new.
3.) waiting 1-2 days, I had the problem also went to 1-2 meeting against

Ohh....do you know how to install mods for half life like what must i do to install a mod im too dumb to figure it my self!

1) No Servers? Are you in the Offline Mode at Steam?
2) Mods installing is easy, you must google for: How to install half-life mods. And you will come to an forum.
3) I hope you have a legal Steam Version.
How do i get a half life steam game?
Do i have to buy it or what i can only download half life full Non-steam!

P.S. do you know where can i download half life uplink i just feel like wanting to try to play it again i searched in google but i didnt find anything!
Buy the game and play the steam games.!!!
This is a forum and not for none steam games.

Atleast i want to figure out how to do the mods i searched all over google and all it gave me is (download our new mode fast install but no discription!)
i have completed half life steam (origional)
half life oppesing force steam
half life blue shift steam
and stuck in half life 2
At least in Half Life Decay you can controll to players!
And in Sweet half life you get a minigun see people running around in single player mode like Helmet,Gina,even gordon!! you see em all + the game is more bigger and more fun with gargantua with alien slaves and with human grunts i realy need to play Sweet half life!