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USA | 10.97% (17) | |
UK | 2.58% (4) | |
Brazil | 0.65% (1) | |
Portugal | 5.16% (8) | |
Poland | 2.58% (4) | |
Nederlands | 1.29% (2) | |
Russia | 3.87% (6) | |
Turkey | 1.29% (2) | |
Germany | 30.97% (48) | |
France | 0.65% (1) | |
Australia | 2.58% (4) | |
Other (Europe) | 25.16% (39) | |
Other (Asia) | 5.16% (8) | |
Other (America) | 6.45% (10) | |
Other (Afrika) | 0.65% (1) |
155 votes cast

You people ruined the whole thing!
there should've been only 1 more vote!

@ LenZ - No! Let them vote more, then it will reach 200 votes

But I'm stuck here in America... I suppose that's... good? xP

[EDIT] Added flag.

edited 2×, last 06.07.09 03:51:03 pm

leegao has written
Oh hey, who knows, there's always a chance that we might wake up to the sound of the 101st Airborn occupying the whole state. There's no telling if Rick Perry would just suddenly decide to declare Texas as its own country.
Zellon has written
Texas... But I guess I'll just say USA.
Just kidding (sort of). USA all the way!

Oh hey, who knows, there's always a chance that we might wake up to the sound of the 101st Airborn occupying the whole state. There's no telling if Rick Perry would just suddenly decide to declare Texas as its own country.
Sorry that I'm quoting an older post... but I didn't see it the first time it was posted and I've just gotta respond :D.
Doubtful. It would be incredibly stupid to do something like that. Especially when we're receiving 1000 "refugees" a day ;).
You should see how many people say things like, "Go ahead! We don't need you whiney emo bastards anyway!". Since Texas is virtually the only state doing things right, right now... I'm thinking it's jealousy :D.