I think Cs2D is Better
Its for free
You can play it on any computer
There are no idiots in the Team Speak
It's more fun
there are many extra features which u never see in Cs 1.6
and any hacks or cheats avaible... DC is only 1 person behind the game and yet there are not much hackers in cs2d max now, unlike CS 1.6 / source where people can freely cheat, and yet a company stands behind that game. Thomazz has written
I think CS2D is Better. ^_^.

Its for free.

You can play it on any computer.

There are no idiots in the team speak.

It's more fun.

There are many extra features which u never see in CS1.6.
I basically agree with Thomazz. @ Circa :
hmm .. you always agree with me
I still have a few advantages :
Almost anyone can make a server
You dont need a programm like Steam to play it
an advantage for Cs 1.6 :
More Players ..
Less Hackers.
Easy to make map.
It's for FREE.
Has lasers,rpg's,rocket launchers,etc.
Easy to reskin
None Steam
Bots are stupid because they don't trigger things
so they can come out and they don't destroy destructable
Well I'm still voting for cs2d!
Go cs2d!
I hope the updates could develop the bots skill! cs2d = good for an little game
1.6 = good for clanwars and adveanced playing DEVIL COMMUNITY BANNED
Both! But I don't really play CS 1.6, I played a few times and I'll have the game in some days... or weeks.
Game modes like Construction Mode
RPG Lauchers, Rocket Lauchers, Lasers...
Don't do big things to compter memory...
No need for patchs, CDs CD-keys and that stuff...
Always getting new versions
Uhhhh... it haves more but right now I don't remember.
CS 1.6
In 3D.
It's more real...
Awsome with snipers!
It's more, like, awsome because we only see what is in our front, someone can go and knife us and we don't see that person.
1 Vote for Both! it's obvious it will not use a CD key when it's free ... DOH both are very nice games. CS 1.6 is the "original game" but i like cs2d very much because you don't have to install it
Silent_Control has written
both are very nice games. CS 1.6 is the "original game" but i like cs2d very much because you
don't have to install it

WTFHAYTA (What the f*ck*n' hell are you talking about?)? loooooooooooooooooooool
You have to install it to have it on a folder. Admin/mod comment
Please use proper language, otherwise you'll be banned/Flying Lizard no, you don't have to install it! you just have to unzip it. installing is something else All in one:
I think CS 1.6 is better! Havn't played cs 1.6 so can't vote 1.6 but i play CS2D more because it doesn't lag as much
well i think 1.6 is better
null Well , i think both are good. Cs 1.6 is a original version created by valve. The graphic compare to cs2d is more realistic. Cs2d is fast download / cs1.6 takes more time.
But cs2d kinda addictive ! SO both good!