With the LaserMod, all bullets bounce off walls and bounce and bounce and bounce. Also the laser beam "bounces" off several times. You have to see the screenshots to roughly understand how this works.
But that's not all, bullets that reach an obstacle, get mirrored in different directions. It is diffucult to explain but easy to understand if you actually play a LaserMod game.
It should be clear that this idea enourmously changes the gameplay; suddenly, you can shoot behind walls if you find the correct angle
This script works for all bullet-firing guns and the laser, too. All other weapons keep their behaviour
If you play LaserMod, you can improve the graphics manually by turning off "visible shots" from the options menu; graphics tab. This can't be done by the server, each player must/can do this himself.
This script comes together with a lag compensation script (in the same file) which is an attempt to ... compensate lags. Probably it was not a good idea to put both scripts into one single file, maybe someday I find the time to seperate the game from the lag compensation to make things more flexible. Whatever, the script is still fully usable, even in combined form.
To load this script, simply type
Original script is made by FlooD (he also got some help from other parties, see source code) and I got permission to upload my modification. The evidence: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=240089&start=0#post271056
An older discussion about this script is here:
(here I documented my contributions, too; in case you're asking what I've done ;-))
edited 1×, last 21.09.11 06:38:23 am
Approved by Yates
6 kb, 1,715 Downloads