I want to publish the <OLD> script of WFWGaming, because I dont have a need on it anymore. I think you know what a RP Script does ---
CT restriction
and much more
Well, if you using this LUA, you have accepted following things:
You are allowed to edit things
You are NOT allowed to say its yours (If Karl asking who has made this Script, say Littlericket or WFWGaming)
Not more. Its not much (:
I dont have screens, because I've deinstalled CS2D - I dont play it anymore If you have a Screen, give it to me and i'll upload it!
~ Littlericket
edit: Probaly I will reopen the Servers - if we have enough Players on it - clearly with the new Script
edited 3×, last 14.05.11 07:28:29 pm
Approved by GeoB99
16 kb, 1,112 Downloads