I decided to make a Team Fortress 2 mod (Lua) for CS2D, and aware of dozen other ones (and better ones), I still decided to do one myself. It's still in beta, but I hope it will be at least an RC soon. I didn't really do any big graphics modifications for the mod, it's just plain Lua.
ATTENTION! The riddle has been won! A user called LEO WON A UNIQUE HAT! Read more here!
This was easy, but I may make this a tradition. This update's riddle revealed the ultimate feature of the next update!
First 2 letters of what a tank is using to move (and what an Engineer's ancestor has probably invented).
Second letter of the Heavy's favorite minigun.
First letter of the place Medic is from (in Medic's native language).
Fourth letter of Demoman's real name.
First letter of the sound Heavy makes while eating.
First letter of the Engineer's new robotic hand.
Ideas competition still going on! If you're interested and want to contribute to this mod, please read this spoiler
Hello, I've been doing some stuff in the script today, and it turned out that most of original TF2 weapons are already implemented, just too boring or they are too hard to implement, so that's why I've decided to start an ideas competition!
Yes, yes, that's right. Ideas competition. The thing is my ideas pool is depleted, so I'm asking you for help. To join the competition, you can write a comment for this file, send me an email with topic "CS2D TF2 Ideas Pool", or add me on Skype or MSN and write "CS2D TF2 Ideas Pool" in your request description. You can find my contacts in my profile
Please use this preset when sending your suggestion:
<Weapon name>
<Weapon description>
<Weapon stats>
<Other notes/weapon set>
<Crafting blueprint/achievement unlock>
Description here is like Level 5 Minigun or Level 10 Sniper Rifle. The "Other notes" para is optional, you either may write some notes for your weapon, or make it a part of some weapon set (designed by you, too, no official weapon sets).
Now, please, don't suggest things that are stupid or are already present in game. Hope to see some really nice suggestions! The winning sets/weapons will be included in the official TF2 mod edition. Bye!
Beta 3 Part 3.1 (from now on - b3.3.1) is finally released!
It includes: Hat saving system!!! Actual TF2 player skins FOR ALL CLASSES!!! (Ci credits) Turned off christmas mode. Sawwry guys! (Some bugs may occur, report if you've crafted or found anything connected with christmas/event) Fixed some major and minor bugs
Coming up in b3.3.2: Payload mode (Sprite is here - thanks to akatsuki12354, it will be finally implemented!) A couple a' new weapons New achievements Achievement saving system
Official servers: NONE
Features: Achievements system Crafting system Classes system Backpack 22 achievements in total 25 weapons in total 12 hats
Game Credits have been introduced in the 2010 Christmas update (b3.2), it is an easy money system for in-game purchases. Player earns 1 Game Credit per minute playing on a server with TF2 mod installed. Player can later visit the Mann Co. Store to purchase various items.
Full list of craftable weapons:
Force-a-Nature: Scout's primary, +20% dmg.
Black Box: Soldier's primary, +20% dmg.
The Backburner: Pyro's primary, +20% dmg.
Chargin' Targe: Demoman's secondary, increases speed to 35 pts for 1 second (YES, IT'S ENOUGH).
Dalokohs Bar: Heavy's secondary, replenishes 60 hp, gives 25 hp overheal when on max hp.
Southern Hospitality: Engineer's melee, casts bleeding effect on hit.
Ubersaw: Medic's melee, replenishes 20% (~20 hp) of a Medic's health.
Sydney Sleeper: Sniper's primary, casts Jarate effect on hit.
Dead Ringer: Spy's PDA, feigns his death on full kill, yet leaving him unharmed but cloaked for 7 seconds.
Blutsauger: Medic's primary, gives 3 HP per hit, yet drains 3 HP every second.
Natascha: Heavy's primary, slows down the target by 15%, -15% damage.
Cloak and Dagger: Spy's PDA, only drains cloak charge when moving, replenishes slowly while not moving or with C&D disabled.
The Afterburner: Pyro's primary, -15 HP damage, more afterburn damage and time.
Gunslinger: Engineer's melee, instantly builds a dispenser.
Kritzkrieg: Medic's secondary, heals for 3 HP/s instead of 1, -10 max HP on wearer.
Fabulous Boxing Item: Heavy's melee, casts bleed effect on target, -5 speed on wearer.
Button of Untolerance: Demoman's secondary, explodes the wearer like a suicide bomber.
To-Do list: Save system for achievements and weapons More sound effects KOTH
Credits: Atukam72Pl for his great player skins; akatsuki12354 for payload sprite; PbBOKAN, Aether-Yagokoro for maps; Night Till Death, Kel9290 for ideas; All of you for downloads, ratings and comments!
The Spy's cloak and some join hooks DO NOT work on Linux-based servers. I've no idea why, but be aware of that.
If you wanna help me (I'd really appreciate it), PM me. Also report about any bugs/files not present in the archive (it happens). You will help make this mod better by doing so.
This TF2 mod looks rly good and that i will download it but then i dont know where to put it in my CS2D folder:(. please say how in the next comment EngiN33R
Yes, I do prefer to work alone, but it would be good to team up with mat5b, cause mat5b is a great scripter, but I don't think that he has the time to work with me on this mod.