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59 comments209 b, 860 Downloads

old Half-Life

crazy junkman Wolfgang
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You probably think "oh my god, another half life theme map bla bla bla...", but let me asure you, that you are 100% right, it is half life theme map, in fact it is the freaking half life!

How many guys actually tryed to make half life map for cs2d? I can recall a few, but it was only a portions of that awesome game, and i present to you all a whole piece! (well not whole, but i think i made more than 50-60% of game, since is imposible to completely implement 3D game into 2D game )

Allright, before you perfectionist take a c**p on map, let me tell you, it's not perfect...I tryed to create map on image of awesome game and personaly i think it came out pretty darn good.
I actually made half a year ago this map (with some help from      
BOGeness, it was 1.6 back then) but lately i wanted to update it (2.1 now, make some modifications and eventually post it here on us )

Let's talk about gameplay:
For god sake use light engine (or some parts will suck).
Be sure to put mp_luamap 1 (cuz of some trigger_if's).
If you're stuck somewhere, try to explore (if you actually played half life game, then you will probably have no trouble of solving puzzles that are ahead of you)
Some parts are fictional and made completely from my head.
Play map with infinite ammo (i didnt place enough of ammo around).
I recommend to play on team deathmatch, or deathmatch game mode.

Map has over 8 mb, and since usgn has limit of 5mb, i uploaded it on gamebanana (you can see screnshoots there also), and here is link for download:

Credits: -useigor (sprites)
      -BOGeness (sprites, sounds)
      -valve (sounds)
      -unknown heroes (on sprites, sounds)

Special thanks to: -2Gen (testing, finding bugs, advices)
                -The_Yurian_Soldier (advices)
                - BOGeness (some awesome stuff in map are his creations)

° ° ° New update 16.06.2016. ° ° °
Spoiler >

Enjoy map!
edited 8×, last 16.06.16 09:52:34 am
Approved by Yates

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209 b, 860 Downloads


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Hmm ... I think some people who criticize this map, don't even play it. Just base their opinion on the screenshots.
In reality: I didn't see the better map for 5 years playing cs2d (I don't kidding).
Come on to "Coop Squad of Six" server and play it with other people, if you won't play alone.
I like it!


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user Masea: and @user itsoxymoron: i've posted screenshots on gamebanana, if you missed link in description, here is it for you:

as for rest of you, you're talking about same old maps, but i didn't see any new revolutionary map from any of you that would magicaly save cs2d

looks guys, i apretiate your comments\critics and everything, but i actually made map for myself, for my own amusement, and posting it here was just something by the way so maybe some other guy can have fun like i did


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user Lobwver is right

I know this map is pretty hard to make, but we're tired of the same deathrun, deathmatch, average stuff and so on. I don't see any innovation in here, and since CS2D is suffering its slow, painful death, you need to consider the users who's going to play with it. What you uploaded may be the next big thing, I assure, just with a little imagination, it may become stellar like user Masea's work.

For now, it's just a big ol' map.


User Off Offline

Please add some screenshots from in-game.


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user crazy junkman Wolfgang Still creating this kind of maps, but try to add gameplay addtions, new stuff about this kind of map, not necessary pvp.


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@user Sparty: So you mean Half-Life is a deathrun game? Alrighty then.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

Wait, Your serious? I can see his ambition. But Yates is right about 'made by' and 'edited by'

Good for him and this map its great. But this looks like another deathrun to me.


Super User Off Offline

I think this file would be very nice without that useless comments.
And also user crazy junkman Wolfgang, you can add some screenshots from in-game.
I like it!


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@user Sparty: You're probably stoned.


Reviewer Off Offline

I may be stoned, but why does this look like human organs?


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user Lobwver: well nobody forces you to like my stuff... as for the gameplay, i really like non-pvp maps, so i probably won't create other type of maps... and i know my maps look kinda same (since im using same tile set all the time), but i really don't care


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You will not believe the times I recreated the HL on this game. But never uploaded it cuz lazy. Also played lan with friends. (same with a lot of maps that I've made)

I think is time to stop liking your stuff that always looks the same. Waiting for something with new graphics or new gameplay.


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user Yates: If you're sugesting something that isn't map related, then please send pm about it

@user Masea: thanks mate, it really means something when comes out of your mouth, your work is incredible also


Reviewer Off Offline

@user crazy junkman Wolfgang: Not quite sure what I'm doing. There is no actual rule against it, but maybe there should be, then again that's not my decision anyway. I guess what I'm doing is I'm suggesting it's best to remove it, what you do with that suggestion is pretty much up to you. But, if there ever comes a rule against this, don't be surprised if your file disappears from the list.

@user Masea: Counter-Strike 2D won't get popular because of enourmous blocks that create a few words. File quality will improve the popularity.

But hey, if you don't take my word for it DC has been saying this for years.


Super User Off Offline

I opened and I saw file that named "Half-Life" and then I thought "OMG! Did somebody made Half-Life in cs2d?!". Clickled it and I shocked, good job. I does decide to make single player half-life mod for cs2d as always but never making that because of there should be hard, long work and also some lazyness. And seeing person like you is really cool. I would want to play this map soon(not now bcs of time). Never surrender and keep up your work, they're amazing.

@user Yates: If you don't want to cs2d die, then try to decrase your criticizing and try to give some ambition(s) to people. Come on man, let's left aside those shitty thingys.
I like it!


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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So you're sugesting me that i remove "enormous" description or telling me?
Btw nobody will look description file also, and important stuff about map seems more reasonable to be put in map description, not description file.


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It's always been something no one wants to look at. It just ruins the whole map when you see it. It's like that ugly CS2DBR logo in every map someone makes for them. It never fits the map and looks out of place.


Reviewer Off Offline

Please remove the enormous "made by" and "edit by" and just put it in the map information file instead.
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