
> > Stuff > Misc. Files > Silvester Sim
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English Silvester Sim >

30 comments1.31 mb, 1,048 Downloads

old Silvester Sim

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Since the stuff page has been deleted, all of DC's small games have been deleted. So I though, "why not re-upload them"? So I found Silvester Sim on a German site and decided to upload it where it belongs - at the site of the greatest developer of all - Unreal Software.

> Language
The Readme, settings, etc. are all in German. There is no text in-game whatsoever.

> Objective
There is no defined objective or end. It's just a fun mini-game for fireworks. Great for New Year celebration!

> Controls
[W], [A], [S], [D] = walk
[LEFT MOUSE BUTTON] = set object
[RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON] = fire object
[MOUSE WHEEL]/[E] = change object
[1-6] = choose colour
[7] = random colour
[F] = fire (on/off)
[R] = randomly distribute three missiles
[F1] = help (on/off)
[F12] = debug informations
[SPACEBAR] = light everything

> Bugs, glitches, tips and tricks
If you can find any bug/glitch, tip or trick not encountered on this list post a comment with it and I'll post it here with your name!

• Bugs/Glitches
- You can pass through trees and other objects.

> Credits
Silvester Sim © Peter Schauß (DC) - Unreal Software

edited 4×, last 03.07.10 01:04:00 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain

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1.31 mb, 1,048 Downloads


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@DC: I'm sorry! Please, don't delete it! I wont upload any more mini-games then!


User Off Offline

nooo it cant be deleted its good mini-game
I like it!


Doctor Freeman
User Off Offline

woah this looks like third person or firstperson, LOOKS GREAT
I like it!


Cure Pikachu
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IT's gonna be deleted very soon...
5/5 though.
EDIT: Lucky you.
I like it!
edited 2×, last 03.07.10 01:54:18 pm


Admin Off Offline

well.. uh.. 2 things:
• you didn't ask me for permission and therefore violated the upload rules
• this file is entirely German. It's simply wrong in the English section.


User Off Offline

i know that game!
I like it!


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@markuswalker: thank you for such generous rating! I'll upload Kill Bill right now! Thanks!

--- Edit ---
Shit, it doesn't work. When I click "Download" it redirects to the old outdated 404-error download page of Kill Bill...


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@Sunny Autumn: I Google'd for "Unreal Software Silvester Sim". I'll be soon uploading other mini-games by DC! (I hope he doesn't mind! We love those games!).

--- Edit ---
I can't find Kill Bill on Google! Do you know the names of other Unreal Software games?


User Off Offline

Awesome! Where did you find that?
I like it!
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