
> > CS2D > Maps > Ctf_Forteress_by_Sn1p3r 1.0

Englisch Ctf_Forteress_by_Sn1p3r 1.0 >

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alt Ctf_Forteress_by_Sn1p3r 1.0

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Small CTF map. You have two forteress, separated by a little river. The flag is in the spawn of each team.

This ZIP file includes two version of the map, one with weapon on the floor (in each spawn) and one without weapon (better for Construction mode).

Both forteress are empty. It's normal, you will need to construct all structure in it.

If you want to use it in your server, please notice me. I want to play in it ^^.

Notice : You can't build structure near the river, it's a neutral zone.

Update : The sniping place in both forteress are a little bit bigger. It's more easy to snipe now :P. See the new picture.
2× editiert, zuletzt 07.08.10 18:27:45
Zugelassen von GeoB99

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Ty all, it's my first map ever ^^.


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Ich mag es!

alt dude

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good map
Ich mag es!
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