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alt Team balance script fix

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Originally by Manny
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I've been having a problem with his script, it is a neat script actually, but I saw just 1 problem.
Whenever teams had equal amount of players on both sides (e.g. 9=9), one from Team A could switch to Team B, which leads to unbalanced teams (10=8).
So, all I did was change the expression from
CT > T
CT >= T

Check the link below for GIF example.
4× editiert, zuletzt 17.04.18 09:39:39
Zugelassen von DC

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859 b, 455 Downloads


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no you lie dc is hacked by skullface gaios and cure pikachu too
Ich mag es!


Cure Pikachu
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Exactly. The first few lines of the description clearly said that this is meant to fix some problems the original creator didn't fix. Doesn't help that he isn't around since 4 years ago.
Ich mag es!
2× editiert, zuletzt 25.06.18 01:51:37


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Waldin: This is mentioned in post and approved by user DC.


User Off Offline

Hey, @user mrc:, forgot about spectators completely. Just changed the lines in the script. Thanks!

EDIT: Fixed again, I forgot to remove ''then'' before ''or'' when i copy+pasted the line
1× editiert, zuletzt 17.04.18 09:26:15


User Spielt CS2D

Hey buddy, change these to the script be perfect:

1. if player(id,"team") == 2 then TO if player(id,"team") == 2 or player(id,"team") == 0 then

2. if player(id,"team") == 1 then TO if player(id,"team") == 1 or player(id,"team") == 0 then

This way even spectators are not allowed to join a team with a higher number of players.
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